Hi, Is it halachically permissible for a women to work out in a co-ed gym if she is fully dressed? Thanks, Malka

Rabbi, I hope this email finds you doing well! I first off want to thank y'all for hosting this service, being able to send these emails means a lot! In a post Jesus-movement world, the idea of a “trinitarian,” “Unitarian,” and even “bitarian” God seems to be a matter of debate between believers of Jesus and non-believers in Jesus. Stressing that HaShem is ONE makes a lot of sense- but a time BEFORE the introduction of the Christian faith, what did it mean for HaShem to stress his oneness? I understand HaShem wanting to clarify that He is the ONLY god to be worshipped, but why clarify that He *was ONE?* Thank you, Ryan

Halacha dictates you’re not obligated to follow your parents if they ask to violate Halacha, but what if your parents ask you to violate an interpretation of Halacha where you’re stricter (say Glatt vs non glatt)? Does it depend on if it’s Safek Deorayta or Derabbanan