Hi Rabbi, I was in services on Shavuot and noticed a special prayer being said called Yizkor. Would you please tell me more about it? Thanks

1) question on genesis: i will just go verse by verse so you can see my thought process 1 - god begins creating the universe 2 - the earth is unformed, but there are waters??? (I can see this being poetic or symbolic) 3 - some form of light is made 4 - light is separated from darkness 5 - light is day, dark is night 6 - water is separated from water (waters from 1:2??) 7 - the sky (atmosphere is created) 8 - the expanse is called heaven 9 - dry land appears from waters ... we know that land came before water, so how could this be? 10 - dry land is called earth 11 - plants come to fruition ... we know that plants need the sun, so how did they grow?? 12 - more vegetation 13 - evening / morning stuff 14 - the sun / other stars are created 2) questions on ages: if the ancient hebrews (such as avraham) followed a solar calender, then how did they live so long? humans couldnt not have physically lived that long. this would naturally lead me to think they measured years differently, but the torah makes it seem like a solar calender is in place (genesis 1:14 for example)

If a man’s wife is unfaithful to him, she becomes forbidden to him and he is required to divorce her. Suppose he refuses to divorce her and he chooses to remain married to her, despite the infidelity. What consequences could he face for this according to biblical law? Is the surrounding community supposed to take action against him to compel him to divorce her?

If one’s parent tells their child never to do a certain activity that most people normally do, and later is deceased without ever having said otherwise, does that mean the child is forever forbidden to do that activity?