The Talmud in I believe berachot 58a says a beracha recited near a gentile scholar, if there’s a gentile child prodigy who’s wise (and they fit criteria of observing the 7 noahide laws) should a jew recite it on them

I know that i’m not allowed to listen to music sang by a women, but if that person considers themselves to be non-binary, than is it okay?

to clarify my previous question, I mean to ask do poskim believe a talmid Chacham can pasken to assume something isn’t shaatnez using chazaka (compared to a layperson who isn’t familiar with the Sinamin of it) or no? Not that It changes physical reality

A relative of my wife is getting married toward the end of July. We looked on the calendar and realized this is during the three weeks. What we found out is they are Sefardi, and the Sefardi custom is that weddings may be held during the three weeks before the nine days begin. We are Ashkenazim. What do we do about this? Can we attend the wedding?