Hi, this is a follow up on the female homosexuality question from a few days ago. Thank you for responding, I’ll try to be more specific. From the teshuvot I’ve read it looks like there’s a prohibition against women being nasim mesolelot and a second prohibition against their following the ways of Egypt/marrying each other. Obviously women can do physical activities like holding hands and can have relationships that share a few things in common with marriages, like sharing housing, but there are physical actions that obviously go too far/violate nasim mesolelot, and there are relationships that obviously resemble marriage closely/violate כמעשה ארץ מצרים. I understand the categories broadly, but haven’t been able to find a source that explains what the criteria are for either prohibition. I'm becoming unsure that it exists really. I've asked the question unsuccessfully but am uncomfortable involving the remaining people I would ask. Sorry for the repeated question, thanks in advance.

Is the mitzvah of tefillin specifically to don them or to wear them once they are being worn? If one fails to have in mind he is fulfilling the mitzvah of tefillin at the time he is donning them, but has the mitzvah in mind when they are already on, has he fulfilled the mitzvah of tefillin?

Is existentialism, a western/continental philosophical movement founded primarily by Fyodor Dostoevsky, Friedrich Nietzsche, and Søren Kierkegaard, compatible with Judaism? I ask as Joseph soloveitchik studied Kierkegaard

What is the source for the tradition "when you build a new town the first thing you do is make the cemetery... even before the shochet or yeshiva is set up..." I know I've heard this teaching before and am having trouble locating the source.

What is Judaism’s perspective on the debate of the principle of univocity of being and whether it is true or not? I could see a non univocal argument supporting Kierkegaard’s notion of the suspension of human good to serve God’s good in the akeida