The Talmud/gemara in I believe Shabbat 117b states you should use something for a mitzvah for another mitzvah. Would using leftover etrogim from Sukkot to make wine for kiddush and havdalah fall under this category?

What are the restrictions regarding modern convivences which have become part of daily life in the past 150 years e.g. telephones, cars, stoves etc. Who in the Jewish community, invited appliance corporations to decide that stoves should replace personal control over how Sabbat is observed.

Hi Rabbi, I am very bothered by something that happened to my wife. My mother in law passed away after an illness and my parents attended the funeral and shivah. On Friday afternoon they insisted that we move out of their home before the coming Monday, even though they knew of her illness. is there a halakha or advice from Rabbis about how to treat the aveil (mourner)? Are parents allowed to make requests of a business nature during shivah?