Our shul on shabbat starts shachrit at 930 and usually we dont get home till 1pm. I am usually up much earlier (6/7am) and say the karbanot and say shema to make zman. We have young kids as well. We usually say kiddush/hamotzi and have breakfast before going to shul. Is this allowed? If it isnt allowed, how can we make it permissible given waiting till 1pm to eat breakfast is painful. Thank you!

In the tanakh, Hashem commands the Jewish nation to exterminate the Amalekites and brutally attack the caananites. How ought one go around explaining the ethics of this to a non religious person (or a person of another religion like Buddhism or paganism)?

can I go on a docked boat before shabbos and keep shabbat on it while it is docked in the same place? What if the gang plank is up but it isnt moving? Can I walk on and off it on shabbos?

According to this mi yodeya answer, the chatam sofer zt’’l ruled jews can be kicked out of am yisrael. is this an accurate representation, if so what sugyah is the chatam sofer basing it on? does it not contradict the talmud/gemara in sanhedrin?

When you’re in a market/super market, and they have peeled or sliced fruits (such as mangos, peaches, kiwis, apples etc.) Is there a Chazaka they are kosher? Does it depend on if it’s in a non Jewish one in chutz laaretz or a non observant Jewish one like In Israel?