Some Poskim permit a Chamar Medina to be used on Passover if one can’t obtain wine for the four cups. According to the view it is a mitvzah to drink the fifth (I Believe from the Ran and maybe the Rambam), can a Chamar Medina be used for that as well? What about the view one doesn’t drink it but puts it for Eliyahu

The Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chaim 25 rules you should put a Tallit on before tefillin, this is based on the principle of Tadir, mitzvot which are more common take precedence, generally. However, if one holds that a tallit made of material which is neither wool nor linen is only rabbinically obligated in Tzitzit, then which comes first, the Tallit or tefillin, as tefillin are a biblical law and this view holds that this Tallit is only a rabbinic law.

Hi, Jehovah's Witness organization has applied Deuteronomy 19:15 to child sexual abuse, and their policy for many years has been to NOT call the police, or even look into the matter if only one parent or child reports that they have been abused. I see that some translations do not use the wording "rise up against", rather, they use the wording "convict" on the basis of only one witness.   So, I was curious what has been the historic and modern day Jewish understanding and application of this?   Thanks, from Tucson, Arizona.