Is using multiple wicks for Havdalah a chiyuv in Halacha, or minhag? If it’s a chiyuv, where is it sourced (in the Talmud/gemara)? And If you can only find a single wick candle, is it valid B’dieved?

Why did the children of Israel ask to “borrow” gold, silver and jewels of the Egyptians knowing they would not be paying it back?

According to Halacha: A) can a Seudat Brit be combined with Seudat Yom Tov or Seudat Shabbat? B) can the bread for it be Pat Palter or Pat Akum?

Shalom, if I may ask another question regarding Jacob. It is said that he dwelled in tents. What does this mean exactly? I was told that it meant he studied the Torah. Is this true?   Thank you.