I saw an advertisement for a yarmulke that looks like one’s natural hair, thereby giving the appearance that one is wearing no yarmulke at all. The ad marketed it to those who don’t want to appear Jewish out of fear of antisemitism. Is this permitted in Jewish law? Does one who wears this fulfill their obligation of wearing a yarmulke?

There are lists on the internet of celebrities who support Palestine following October 7. They have not verbally condemned Jews as a whole, just expressed support or concern for Palestinians. In fact, some of these lists include a few Jews. If someone is on that list, does that automatically give them the label ‘antisemite?’ Does publicly supporting Palestine in the absence of open support for the existence of a Jewish state render someone an antisemite?

I was thinking about the lulav from Sukkot and realized that, although Google says the different species in the lulav represent different body parts, the way they are placed together looks a bit phallic in shape. Do you believe this was intended? If not, could it be accepted as a symbol of fertility? Have you ever noticed this, or do I just have a dirty mind?

Dear Rabbi, Why does Judaism teach to look at others in a positive way and not with negativity – even when they do something that clearly seems to be a problem? Thank you