I wanted to see how the original Hebrew language expresses the phrase in Isaiah 44:5 “unto the LORD” or “belonging to God”. I can’t read Hebrew lettering so could you please write it out with English letters. I had been told it was “Le Adunai Ani” but I don’t know if that is correct. If possible could I get an answer back by in the morning? I’m so sorry to ask. Thank you so much!

The Mishnah berurah I believe brings down breaking a plate or glass at weddings as part of Zecher lechurban. A) Is this Halacha, or mere minhag? B) if this is Halacha, does the plate or glass have to be particular quality (like chinaware)

Are the rules of a wedding night the same if it’s a second marriage for the woman? Is there such a thing as niddah? Should you be trying to line up wedding with period the same way as you do for first marriage?

Hello Rabbi, I promised Gd out loud i wouldn't say swear words anymore but because i am so used to using them i keep saying them unintentionally. I also promised Gd i wouldn't think about intimate matters anymore but again it keeps happening inadvertently. What should i do ? Im trying to control but its really hard. i really want to stop being a bad person. also im afraid because i swore Gd will punish me much harsher.   Thank You for reading my concern rabbi May Gd bless you

Can I use electric Shabbat candles if I’m at a non Jewish camp that doesn’t allow fire? I’ll not turn them off until after Shabbat ends.