According to Halacha, a minyan requires some people who didn’t hear kriyat Torah in it in order to fulfill the mitzvah of kriyat Torah. Assuming there’s a kosher minyan (ten adult Jewish males), who don’t have enough who haven’t heard it (been to previous shacharit services) can women who haven’t heard it be included to fulfill it?

Dear Rabbi, Will God save us from climate change? Did He punish us with climate change? Is it a natural event or is it a test? Thanks for your thoughts.

According to Halacha, is it prohibited to learn Aleph Beit during aveilut (or Tisha b’av which has mourning prohibitions)? Or no, is it not considered Talmud Torah and therefor permitted?

According to Halacha, if you make besamim at Havdalah on plants from a budding fruit tree in Nissan, which blessing comes first, Birkat Ha’ilonot, or besamim? Does the principle of Tadir play a role here, and besamim is more common than Birkat Ha’ilonot so it’s recited first?