Dear Rabbi, I have been following the red heifers since they landed in Israel nearly two years ago. I was told that they have to be perfect red heifers for two years and two days to qualify for the sacrifice. Is that true? And, are there any that are still eligible? Looking forward to the coming of the Messiah, Sincerely, Name Withheld by editor      

I sometimes see two neighbors getting into a heated argument over some trivial matter. What is the right thing to do to calm them down and restore good relations?

Dear Rabbi, What is the best way to deal with a high school age son who eschews Torah study in favor of secular entertainment, much of that conflicts with Torah values?

Dear Rabbi: Is it true that the original Septuagint omitted the phrase "before the Ark," in Joshua 7:6? If so, why do modern version contain the phrase. Thank you, any help you may offer. Was the phrase included in the original Hebrew? Thank you, PW