If one’s parent tells their child never to do a certain activity that most people normally do, and later is deceased without ever having said otherwise, does that mean the child is forever forbidden to do that activity?

'Israel is only with the conquered land' in one page is being sent to you for your kind reading and evaluation. Please see the attachment.

In Isaiah 11:1 we read: “But a rod shall grow out of the stump of Jesse, A Branch shall sprout from his stock.” 1. Who are the "rod" and the "branch"? 2. Which of the commentators has explained in detail about these two words? And what was their commentary?

Is using multiple wicks for Havdalah a chiyuv in Halacha, or minhag? If it’s a chiyuv, where is it sourced (in the Talmud/gemara)? And If you can only find a single wick candle, is it valid B’dieved?