From what I’ve understood about the Holocaust, there were some Jews whose lives were spared, at least temporarily, in exchange for them working to manufacture various items for the Nazis. What they were manufacturing in some cases were items the Nazis needed in order to murder other Jews. Many Jews ultimately survived the Holocaust this way. Was this work that these Jews did forbidden by Jewish law on the basis that they were contributing to the murder of their fellow Jews?

Hello, I am not Jewish. Please excuse my ignorance. I come here to seek understanding. I am an artist and I am on my own spiritual journey, as I am sure we all are. I want to make a painting with the Tetragrammaton of the Latin alphabet I am currently using as the subject of the piece. It will be elegant and made with the greatest respect I can give to it. My question is if it would be seen as disrespectful to Jews even though my intent is to make something highly spiritual and glorious. More importantly, would you see it as disrespectful to God? I will add that I am agnostic/unsure and searching from a Catholic background. Thanks!  

I wanted to see how the original Hebrew language expresses the phrase in Isaiah 44:5 “unto the LORD” or “belonging to God”. I can’t read Hebrew lettering so could you please write it out with English letters. I had been told it was “Le Adunai Ani” but I don’t know if that is correct. If possible could I get an answer back by in the morning? I’m so sorry to ask. Thank you so much!

The Mishnah berurah I believe brings down breaking a plate or glass at weddings as part of Zecher lechurban. A) Is this Halacha, or mere minhag? B) if this is Halacha, does the plate or glass have to be particular quality (like chinaware)