If the first day of the 9 days is Rosh Chodesh, then why is that day observed as a day of mourning? On the contrast, if it is a day of mourning, then why is Hallel still recited?

Dear Rabbi, Yesterday I was in the supermarket when a middle aged woman got angry at the customer service for a reason unknown to me. She then went on a profanity laced tirade in which she screamed at the employees. For most of the approximately 6 minutes this went on, I filmed the incident and showed the footage to my immediate family and a few friends. She then left quickly when she heard the police were on the way. As far as I know, her identity is unknown to the store and the police, and I surely have no idea who she is. The police just took a report, but because no money was stolen and no one was hurt, they don’t have any further plans to identify her. I have seen a lot of viral videos just like that on YouTube, taken by people who chose to film it just like I did. What I would like to know is if Jewish law permits publishing videos like this. I am concerned it could be Lashon Hara, or if any other laws prohibit posting this, since it is shameful to the woman who lost control.

Shalom aleichem Rabbi Lauffer. Thank you for answering my last question. Dam sh’bishlo (cooked blood) is only assur to eat d'rabbanan. Is it davka cooked blood that is forbidden only rabbinically, but fried or roasted or other prepared blood would be assur d'oraisa, or would these methods of preparing the blood also be only rabbinically forbidden to eat. Thank you.