I think there has been a curse placed on me and I have no idea how to remove it.

מה הדין בכהן המזה מי חטאת שהוא מן אפר פרה על הטמא, האם הוא גם נעשה טמא? או רק הנושא מי חטאת

Does the prohibition of removing our mezuzot apply when we are moving from one rented dwelling to another rented dwelling, or can we take them with us? The first house is owned by a non-Jew, but I think a Jew is moving in. Thank you. And what about taking mezuzahs that were a gift or have sentimental value?

We just purchased two presumably new, unused Mikasa Pottery Art dinner plates online. Do they need to be toevaled? Thank you, [Name Withheld] Phoenix AZ