Hi, I am 24 years old living in a heated humid climate in Florida being that I’m in a marriageable age, and have married sisters and a mother whom had covered their hair once they got married I would like to cover my hair so as not to be embarrassed and cause any disappointment as they hold is to be very important as much as I love being Jewish that specific rule and Halacha is very challenging for me being that I had been born highly sensitive and had never like wearing headbands hats or clips on my head I have beautiful long hair and I understand it’s supposed to be shown for my future husband in the privacy of our bedroom and understand the chassidic meaning behind it after learning it. I had visited a few Jewish wig shops and hadn’t been satisfied with the wig I had been given as they required me to use clips or wear a headband so as the wig should not fall off. However earlier today I had encountered a nonjewish wig company whom created very soft and the perfect wig for me which doesn’t have any clips inside the wig cap I had believe it suits me however my mother mentioned to me that she doesn’t recommend I buy it all because the hair is a combination from India and china. She thinks it’s avodah Zara and assur to buy the wig since the hair is from there. I am very frustrated at this point since I feel that if I wouldn’t buy this wig the other wigs from the other Jewish companies would affect me healthwise they cause me bad headaches and make me feel suffocated in the heat! I really need this nonjewish wig otherwise I’m thinking to not cover my hair at all so I would like to clarify and confirm with a rav of it is really a problem for me to buy a wig that the hair is from china and India ?