How is there Machlokesim in Halacha if we can just go back two generations to find out the answer? Examples: Rashi vs Rabbeinu Tam Tefillin, Just find out what people wore 100 years before Beis Hillel vs Beis Shammai Vis a Vis lighting menorah, or Yaknahaz on Yom Tov what did they do before Hillel and Shammai Thank you in advance for your reply and have a Good Shabbos  

Dear Rabbi, What is the Priestly Blessing all about? Thanks

hello esteemed Rabbi can you please pray for my wife and I to find success with our job search and a good home for us to have for a long time and to have many children? Please 🙏

Shalom. I want to ask of your opinion about Thoth the Atlantean and also about the Emerald tablets. What is your opinion about that? And about what you think about giants, were all giants evil? We killed them accordingly from Torah tellings. And so, I was explained to from another Rabbi , that some of us humans do have some giant DNA in us. Kol tov, shabbat shalom, Chaim Jeshurun