If a man is married to a barren woman and he loves her and does not wish to divorce her, is it permitted for him to have a relationship with another woman that his wife consents to in order for him to have children, just like Abraham did with Hagar?

If a person only has enough money in the bank to pay rent, should they still give maaser first? Or wait till they can pay it without it compromising other expenses?

Dear Rabbi, why do Jewish people wash their hands in a special way upon waking each morning? I heard it’s called negelwasser – (finger)nail water. Thanks

Please accept this as a sincere question from someone who believes he has some Jewish ethnicity but isn't/hasn't practiced the Judaism. I am interested in learning more about the distinction (for lack of a better term) between Jewish ethnicity and Judaism. I apologize in advance if I word some of this in an inappropriate or insensitive way. I am an American male in my mid-70s. The basis of my question arises from some of the shared family history on my mother's side. Her maiden name was Wygold (spelled "Wiegold" a few generations back). My maternal grandfather was named Daniel Wygold, and his father spelled his last name Wiegold. The family history I learned as a child was that my mother's family fled Poland sometime between WW1 and WW2 to escape religious persecution. My religious upbringing, looking back to it now as an adult, seems to have been some rather random blend of customs from Jewish, Catholic and Protestant faiths. For instance, as a child we celebrated Christmas but also always ate kosher when visiting my grandfather, uncles and great uncles. Whatever answers or insights you may be able to offer will be appreciated, with me fully recognizing that it probably will have no real impact in my daily actions at this stage in life. I have always just been a little confused about Judaism as a religion as opposed to Jewish as an ethnicity. Thanks in advance for your thoughts. John