Shalom aleicheim! From learning about Judaism over the years I know that only descendant of Adam have free will. That means that angels, including Satan/yetzer hara do not have free will and are only capable of acting on the orders of the Creator. However, I have encountered a commentary that seems to suggest the opposite. A note in the Saperstein Edition of the Chumash Rashi Bereshis 3:14 (page 35) states the following: "5. In capital cases, the court is commanded to search for any legal avenue for acquittal. Our verse teaches us that this is not so in the case of one who incites another to commit idolatry. The serpent here was guilty of that sin, for he convinced the woman of the idolatrous idea that she could be "like God." See also Rashi to Deuteronomy 13:9." How can the nohosh be guilty of sin? Doesn't he act on Hashem's behalf? Please help me reconcile this. Thank you so much!

Can i do water activities in the 9 days??

Hi Rabbi, What is the meaning of “Tisha B’Av”? Thank you so much for your answer and for this informative and inspiring “Ask the Rabbi” service!

Is there any mention of any geographic locations in the western hemisphere (the Americas) anywhere in any biblical text, the Talmud, or any books that were written as interpretations of the these in later years that are widely studied?