Shalom aleichem Rabbi Lauffer. Thank you for answering my last question. Dam sh’bishlo (cooked blood) is only assur to eat d'rabbanan. Is it davka cooked blood that is forbidden only rabbinically, but fried or roasted or other prepared blood would be assur d'oraisa, or would these methods of preparing the blood also be only rabbinically forbidden to eat. Thank you.

Dear Rabbi, I am shopping for a new kosher mezuzah and was wondering how important the reasons and benefits of the mezuzah scroll are before I spend a lot of money, according to my budget, on a nice and kosher one. Thank you!

Does the biblical prohibition against crossdressing apply only to wearable garments, or does it extend to accessories that are not worn? I am asking because I acquired many of my grandmother’s possessions as she is selling her house. Most of them I find useful are gender neutral, but one of them is an airline carry-on bag that is the best quality, most practical thing like it I have ever seen. The only problem: it is pink with flowers and looks so feminine.

Psalms Chapter 14 has in English the word "fool" however in Hebrew the word is "Nabal" Is this talking about the person found in 1st Book of Samuel Chapter 25?