Throughout Jewish history, has there been a period when non Jews participated in synagogues? Are there any records of something like this in Mishnaic or Talmudic times?

According to halacha, if one has enough aged wine to use for either Simchat Yom Tov or kiddush (and one would have to use non aged wine for the other mitzvah), which mitzvah has priority for using the aged wine as hiddur

Hello, Have a quick question about artificially flavoured food. There are so many pork flavoured substitutes, even if they are made out of other meat. Are any of these kinds of products kosher?

How is there Machlokesim in Halacha if we can just go back two generations to find out the answer? Examples: Rashi vs Rabbeinu Tam Tefillin, Just find out what people wore 100 years before Beis Hillel vs Beis Shammai Vis a Vis lighting menorah, or Yaknahaz on Yom Tov what did they do before Hillel and Shammai Thank you in advance for your reply and have a Good Shabbos  

Dear Rabbi, What is the Priestly Blessing all about? Thanks