I would like to teach my children Navi. However, I remember seeing a Rashi who says we don't teach children Navi. I would like to tell them selected stories is there any issues with telling them such stories.  

A friend invited me to her house on Saturday night 12/21 at 7:00pm and asked me to bring challah for Shabbat. I told her Shabbat was over, but I could still bring the challah. She told me that it's okay to extend Shabbat until Tuesday if you wanted to. I find it hard to believe that you can just change the rules just because you feel like it. She insists that you can end Shabbat whenever you want up until Tuesday night. I would think you'd need a better reason that just because you feel like it. What's the Jewish law about choosing your own end time for Shabbat?

I would like to know whether it is halachikally okay for me to work on past lives with an astrologer and/or hypnotherapist? I'm dealing with a lot of trauma and always had many intuitions of my neshama of which I am terribly curious about. I also would like to shed some light on what my purpose on this world is and grow accordingly.

I read somewhere in the Rabbinic writings that it is an eternal law that Yaakov hates Esav. Can you explain what this means? Does it mean that the descendants of Jacob will always hate the descendants of Esau, like a law of nature?