Hello, I am a convert, my wife and my daughter (8 weeks) are Jewish. I have a Gentile ex-spouse, with whom I fathered two children almost 10 years ago. My question pertains to Ezra 10:10-11 as well as the portion in the Talmud (Yevamot 23a). How does this apply to me with parental & paternal Gentile children not being a Jewish man's children, even if his seed made them. I wasn't Jewish when I conceived them, but I am now. As heartbreaking as it seems, I just want to follow halacha and do what's right by them as well.

It is recorded in Torah that Jews got stronger and stronger under the persecution of Pharao in Egypt. There are great influence of Jews to the Western society where persecution against Jews was very severe. While in China, where there was almost no persecution, Jews have had almost no impact to that civilization. This is so unique, because most of the nations tend to be prosperous when they are lived by the surround, and decline when they are persecuted. By contrast Jews get greater when there is persecution. Why is it so? Why are Jews more thriving when there is persecution?

I have some old plastic cookie trays from the packaging of cookies that I have saved and used as storage for art supplies. At one time, chametz had direct contact with them. Now they have been cleaned out and have no visible crumbs. When I started using them for this purpose, it didn’t occur to me that it could be a Pesach problem. Am I required to sell them as chametz or put them away for Pesach?

Dear Teacher: Christian dude here; wanting to write a fiction novel where the main hero is Jewish, so want to be accurate as to religious beliefs. I am looking for 2 or 3 beliefs where Christians & Jews are at odds. My first thought is: on G-d's forgiveness. My terrible understanding of Judaism is, Yom Kippur. My understanding is, on that Holy Day, G-d finalizes His judgement on all Jews each year, and seals peoples' names into the Book of Life / Death. That this is the last day to repent & atone. As opposed to a Christian understanding of forgiveness: that G-d sent His son to be sacrificed to atone for the sins of all, who are saved by faith alone. As well as the sacrifices at the Temple during that time, and how that may have forgiven Jews? Might you share with me, about how you see "forgiveness" being different between Jews and Goyim like me? with kind repects, ~Chris