Shalom aleichem Rabbi Lauffer. Thank you for answering my last question. When saying hallel with the minyan, are you supposed to say "hodu lashem ki tov ki l'olam chasdo" after the chazzan says the last line, even though that is the end of the little poem there and there is nothing else to say after the chazzan says that last line? Thanks.

Are you allowed to cook fish on top of a grill that had meat on it?    

I had a friend over for a Passover meal the other day. She doesn’t understand that anything other than actual bread can be chametz. She brought with her as a gift for me a box of wafers. Knowing her, she would be offended if I turned down this gift. I cannot explain it to her either because she knows very little about Judaism and has difficulty comprehending and is easily angered. The only option that remained was for me to accept her gift, then throw it away after she left. But I don’t know if I did the right thing. I don’t know if I could have given it to a gentile neighbor. I felt guilty about throwing away perfectly good food. She is coming for another visit next week after the holiday. I am trying to figure out which store sells the same wafers, then buy a box and serve it after Passover as if it’s the same one that she brought me.