My father recently passed away. Most of our family are practicing Christian's of various denominations, his wife of 40 years a Christian scientist. To my knowledge my father did not practice or show interest in religious activity until about 11 years ago. At 70 he began studying Hebrew and Judaism. He was serious and diligent in his daily studies and practice. The intellectual and spiritual growth he experienced seemed to bring him a great deal of joy and peace of mind. His memorial service is in 6 weeks at a US National Cemetery, there will be military honors and a chaplain. His siblings have suggested that we open with New Testament John 14:1-3. While the overall sentiment is lovely and I understand their choice, I do not believe my father would have wanted any Christian readings at his funeral. Is there a passage or prayer from the Old Testament or in Jewish writing, such as the Kel Maleh Rachamim, that would be appropriate for his service? Thank you for your assistance.

Is it possible to hold a Minyan if 9 Adult Jewish Men are present, and 1 non-Adult (under 13 years of age) Male present?

I married a person who treated me like slave for almost 10 years .He was involved in many money laundering,and literally spoiled everything. Since we had married in church where God is the judge I told him that I divorce him since he was into many criminal cases..I felt like not only me but kids too were suffering because of his mistakes and blunder. Then after 10 years he got a brain stroke.i took care of him but he still treated me and kids badly,cursed us and used his right hand to hold our throat and twist hands. I did not get any place to put him since all centres were charging high .Finally I got one place where I was able to admit him. I remarried since it is not easy to manage 2 kids all alone and I used to feel that I cannot live alone. I and second spouse just made a vow in front of God prior to that we both said to God that only if it's your will it should take place otherwise NO. but there were no obstacles and all the disturbance in mind was freed up after our marriage. I even asked for sign before this event takes place and God showed that sign too. We both are faithful to each other and pray that God be the centre of our marriage. My 2 kids too accepted my second spouse which was surprising. I had told God if it's ur will they should agree. After permission from my kids only I remarried. They too desire a father since they really longed for someone to love them like a father. Legally doing divorce is not an easy task here since society speaks evil behind. But after we both got married, burden and stress that was holding my mind has left. I believe I need to be faithful to the second covenant made by me to the husband I married since the first husband himself made a ground for separation. As a child of God I don't want to hurt the one who loves me,care for me and respects me as his wife compared to the first husband who didn't