Hello Rabbi, I promised Gd out loud i wouldn't say swear words anymore but because i am so used to using them i keep saying them unintentionally. I also promised Gd i wouldn't think about intimate matters anymore but again it keeps happening inadvertently. What should i do ? Im trying to control but its really hard. i really want to stop being a bad person. also im afraid because i swore Gd will punish me much harsher.   Thank You for reading my concern rabbi May Gd bless you

Can I use electric Shabbat candles if I’m at a non Jewish camp that doesn’t allow fire? I’ll not turn them off until after Shabbat ends.

Since the Torah prohibition of b’sachar b’chav is cooking meat and dairy, is it okay to have carpaccio (raw meat) and dairy? What about reduced waiting times?

Shadchan (rabbitzen) asked me why do I want to get married. I told her that G-d commanded this in Torah to Adam. She asked me a very legitimate question: "Who heard that G-d commanded it to Adam or who witnessed it, if there was no people? Who can prove that G-d ever spoke with him about anything? How do we know that G-d ever spoke to Moses, besides 10 commandments that 3 million people heard it? I think this rabbitzen has a very legitimate questions. I don't know how it relates to shidduch, its more like philosophical venue disscussion, But apparently this is very important thing to find out for shidduch process. P.S. I don't think there any real answers on questions like that... Thank you. With respect. David