Dear Rabbi, I have heard that we are to keep kosher for health and food-safety reasons. Is this true? Thanks in advance.

I always thought the word “chametz” was pronounced as CHA-MAYTZ, with a kamatz and a tzere and the accent on the second syllable. But I hear people pronouncing it as “choomitz,” with the OO pronounced as in “book” and the accent on the first syllable. How did that get to be?

do we know anything about menashes mother other than she was the daughter of Yeshaya Hanavi? when the gemara says that Chizkiyahu knew "thru Ruach Hakodesh" how come we seem to understand it as he knew thru nevua when they are two different ways of coming to know things? how can we hold Menashe responsible for his actions? does the Gemara that describes Chizkiyahus wife serving wine at his meal with the babylonian messengers have what to do with why Menashe was who he was? what is the meaning behind the story of Chizkiyahu throwing Menashe and Ravshakeh off his shoulders? (berachos 10, hagaos haBach)

Shalom, I would like to hear from a Rabbi (using the Tanakh, not the internet), the names of the Patriarchs listed in order from Adam to Noah, and especially the meanings of their names listed in order. For instance, in Bereshit (Genesis) - Chapter 3 verse 20 "And the man named his wife Eve, because she was the mother of all life" seems to imply that the Tanakh itself defines the name Eve as meaning "the mother of all life". Adam appears to mean man (in my humble opinion, but cannot point to a specific definition verse as explicitly stated for Eve). Actually Bereshit (Genesis) - Chapter 5 verse 2 may be an acceptable definition for Adam means "man" Please show (at least 1 verse for each Patriarch) where the Tanakh defines their name meanings. Thank you very much.