the family in Israel who lost a wife and two daughters donated the mothers organs - I always thought that you are not alowwed to do that.

I guest the title says is all but I am interested in the process of killing and preparing the animal lets say cow or lamb for sacrifice on the altar and the process of shechting the animal for Korban and the checking after shechita for Moom like current Shochtim do compare to the Shechita process if it is at all appropriate to call it that for Korban. For example is the animal let live up to the Altar? In current Shechita we do not know if the animal if Kosher till after the Bedika of the organs after Shechita. Also if we find a nick on the knife after that shechita is that also a problem? If the Animal in the Beis Hamikdash was led up the ramp live and Shechted on the top then where its organ checked afterward or not?

I am a man in my forties, twice divorced, with grown children, not presently employed, and not seeking employment at this time. I just moved in the other day with my mother, who is a recently widowed and retired lawyer and a healthy active senior citizen. I plan to live with her for a long time, possibly permanently, for economic reasons and to help her as she ages. Though she is retired, she likes to dress up nicely and put on makeup every day, even if she goes nowhere, because she feels it’s important for her dignity. A lot of her favorite everyday clothes require assistance from someone else to don and remove. When my stepfather was alive, he helped her. Now she wants me to do the same. I question the modesty of me as a man helping a woman in this way, particularly my mother, and the balance between modesty and honoring her.

Bethuel (Rebecca’s father) and Laban (Rebecca’s brother) are both referred to as Aramean. What is the significance of Aramean? Doesn’t that make Rebecca also Aramean? Yet the word Aramean is not mentioned in connection to Rebecca. Why not?