I was just offered a modeling job for men’s apparel. I am supposed to put them on briefly for photo shoots. Some of them might have shatnes, but I have no way of knowing. What should I do about this?

Dear Rabbi, Why can’t you cook meat and milk together? I was thinking of making a cheeseburger for a friend who is not Jewish but my mom told me we don’t cook meat and milk together. I thought the only issue is to not eat them together but that cooking them together was okay. Please help! Thanks

Eloheinu Veilohei Avoteinu is the last paragraph of the Amidah 4th Bracha (Holiness of Shabbat.) Why is this paragraph repeated again after Magen Avot on Friday Evening Maariv service?

I recently had a halacha question that i asked a friend much more learned than me and he gave a wonderful answer; full of details and citations. We continued discussing it when all of a sudden he tells me he does not believe in God. I was shocked for a moment because for the last 20 minutes we were discussing different rabbinic opinions and not only that, he keeps shabbat, kosher, wears a kippah and was even growing his beard out for the omer. But he doesn't believe in God. Blew my mind. It doesn't seem like its from a lack of emunah per se but just that there is no solid proof of God's existence. I studied philosophy, specifically ethics, in college at the same time as I started learning Torah. When it comes to arguing for God's existence, I have all the arguments ready to go from Creator -> God ->HaShem and im very passionate about it. The beauty of mitzvot? I can talk about those too. I've continued my Torah and philosophy studies for a few years after college, even now, as well but I never ran into this situation where someone keeps the mitzvot so well, knows quite a lot, but does not believe in God. I want to keep expanding my knowledge and ability to converse with different type of people but I have no idea what field of Torah/philosophy this would be. I thought about perhaps learning more about emunah but emunah has an emotional root to it and I believe my friends case is more of an intellectual one. Is there something else besides emunah that I can read up on? Does it make sense to ask: Outside of the 13 principles of faith and first commandment, can a person be religious/observant if they don't believe in God?