I am confused as to what exactly G-d promised after the flood-- Did G-d promise never to destroy the Earth at all? Or only with water? Because we are awfully close to WW3 (i.e. "nuclear" "war" with Russia and China). and as we all know Russia is Iran's main sponsor. so many (both Jews and Gentiles alike) are predicting that the end will occur as a result of defending Israel against Iran. Personally i am for eliminating the Iranian threat --permanently -- but i am afraid of Russia's response (which --given it's interest in securing the world's oil supplies for China--i would expect to be nuclear. (I mean --isn't there a Moshiach in the house?........anywhere? ) Nu, so tell me B'vaka-sha. Thank you and Shalom (:

Hi, I know that marriage between jews and non-jews is prohibited and saw its source in Deuteronomy. I was however asked about whether there would be any halachic implications for a man to have relations with a non jewish woman. While I imagine that would also be frowned upon, I realized I'm not 100% sure of that answer nor would I know where to look for sources on that. Thank you!

Hello! I heard that according to the Yalkut Yosef, Sephardi Jews can't have fish and dairy together but I also heard that this was a typo by his students. Is it more along the lines of fish being cooked with dairy or also cold fish and dairy? Do these rules apply to Mizrahi Jews as well? Thank you!

HaShem commanded Jews to eliminate Amalek. It seems that even very small amount of mercy toward Amalek is unforgivable. If HaShem hated Amalek so much, why did he create them? Apparently HaShem has an option not to make Amalek from the first place. Why did He create Amalek, then ordered Jews to destroy them?