What is the reason for lighting the candles, drinking the wine and breaking the bread on Sabbath? I have searched various sites and come up with different symbolism for each. A Christian looking at the Friday night "ritual" might see an analogy with communion and as such as symbolic of the coming of Jesus - ie the body (bread) and blood (wine). I have also read that in some forms on one candle is lite whilst my own mum would only ever light two candles of a Friday night. So can someone give me a definitive picture as to what each part of the ritual means. Thanks.

Shalom Rabbi, The realm in which HaShem lives, is where we all earnestly do mitzvahs, however; is earth not a mere image of the realm? The difference is having skin, but the exact choice to serve our Creator is the same. Whether we have skin or not, the soul is always to choose the Torah. Is it then that whether live continues here on earth or in the realm we call heaven, we will always have a choice? Choice never ceases correct?

Since Canaanites are Semites and Semites claim to be Jews, that would mean Jews are Canaanites with Canaanite blood. Perhaps you are mistaken and it's Ju's who are both Semites as well Ju's. That makes sense doesn't it Rabbi? Ju for Judah, Judea, Judean, Judge, Jury, Jurisprudence, Justice; not Jewda, Jewdea, Jewdean, Jewdge Jewry or Jewrisprudence. Most of Yahudi are proficient in Hebrew but not so proficient in English. I am a Letter scholar in English so I know what I am talking about. A 'Jew' is a Aryan Druidic priest, originating in Ireland. The English word 'Jew' originates with the Irish Yew Tree. The Aryan Druidic Priesthood holds the Yew tree sacred and took their name Jew from it. What we seem to have is a case of plagiarism, does it not? The Druidic priesthood and Aryan nations worldwide deserve an apology from the Ju's for all of the evil perpetrated by crypto-Jew Ju's. ew = we J, not u J. J = We Johns 111 aka Jack n Jew not U n Ju. YHVH = JHVH. Y=J in English. V = U in Roman. U+ U = Double U or W. JHWH. YHWH = YaHu We He (plural). Yahu = Saturn JHWH = JoH(n) We He (plural). Joh (n) = Satan Saturn/Moloch = your G-d (Charles 111) Windsor Satan/Jesus = our God (John 111) Chapman Vowels a e i o u y + JHWH = JoH We Vowels: a e i o u y JoH We He  

I used to work for a collection agency and therefore I know a lot about how they work that many people do not know. Also, I am Jewish and I wonder what a Jew’s obligation is toward paying a collection agency when slapped with a bill from one, considering what I know. The reality is, if one has a debt that has been sent to a collection agency, making a payment to the agency will hurt one’s credit rating even more than simply ignoring the debt. It is unusual for a collection agency to sue a debtor. After three years, the debtor cannot be sued, and after seven years, the debt cannot cause any further harm to one’s credit. In other words, it is usually to a debtor’s advantage to simply ignore the debt and the agency’s demands and repeated phone calls. And collection agencies don’t want debtors to know that. Most people who have a debt sent to collections cannot afford to make payments. The collection agency industry is lucrative between the minute amount of debt that is actually paid by debtors who think they are doing themselves a favor and the sale of the right to collect delinquent accounts between collection agencies. When a debtor makes a payment to a collection agency, they are not giving money to the original creditor at all. What they do not know has already happened is the original creditor sold their debt to the collection agency for a fraction of its original value and resigned itself to collecting only that amount. From then on, it is in the hands of the collection industry to try to collect on what remains of the balance. The collection industry really exists not to help creditors recoup money they are owed, but it’s a bunch of entrepreneurs exploiting the fact that some people just don’t or can’t pay their bills.

There is a custom that some people have when they travel to take along a dollar bill with them that someone gave them and donate it to tzedaka upon their return. When you do that, are you required to give the exact same dollar bill that someone gave you before your trip? Or can you give any dollar?