I am looking into a cruise at which i would embark the ship on Friday afternoon, but the ship would remain in the harbor until the following day, Shabbos, and leave port Shabbos afternoon. Am I permitted to go on this cruise?

What do we do about a Shabbos guest we have a lot who comes over wearing T-shirts and shorts? In our community, people customarily invite each other for Shabbos meals on a rotation to assure that no one is alone for a Shabbos. Most people without being told know the appropriate way to dress. For men, this is a collared shirt and long pants, either suit pants or business casual. But there is one young man who moved to our community in the past year who wears T-shirts and shorts when the weather is hot. Most people don’t confront him because they don’t have the nerve to do so. He routinely goes over the homes of others and also to shul this way, but no one does anything because they are not assertive enough to challenge him. I actually did last week and he told me in response it was over 100° and he wasn’t going to let himself die from the heat. It is true. It gets over 100° here a lot of the time. But this does not stop other men in our community from dressing appropriately for Shabbos. If they can, he can too. In my opinion, his yetzer hara is telling him to dress this way. The yetzer hara makes him feel uncomfortable, and he is failing the test to follow our community’s standards in response. If he got used to dressing appropriately, his body would acclimate and he wouldn’t die. We don’t want to stop inviting him over this issue because our community does not believe in excluding others.

hello so im very confused about weather im jewish or not, so on my mothers side my grandmother swears to the upmost degree that were jewish and even her brother is a practicing jew, (sorry if that sounds offensive). she claims that we have been jewish as far as we go back, but her grandmother (my grandmothers grandmother) was adopted from germany in the 1800's and no records exist. she says that she was jewish from birth, my mother and her sister(my aunt) have hebrew names and my cousins (my aunts children) have hebrew names and have had there bar mitzvahs in israel. my mother says that her grandmother was a lutheran. im very confused and it feels very disingenuous to claim that im jewish with that much doubt.

I am a gentile Bible scholar. Scripture says that Jonah was in the belly of the great fish for "three days and three nights." My Christian pastor quoting Moody Bible Commentary told us that "Jewish people regarded even a part of a day as a day and a night." In theory, that would mean that Jonah could have been in the fish no more than 25 hours ... still a miracle but certainly of a different flavor. My question is, when Scripture says "3 days and 3 nights", does it mean "not less than" that amount of time?