Is it compulsory for every converted Jew to follow the ten commandments?

Is it ok to pay my teenager’s salary anonymously in order to help her get hired for a job as an art teacher’s assistant at a Gan Israel Camp? I feel it would be good career experience ( she thinks she might want to teach art) for her to work as an art teaching assistant and it would benefit the camp. However the camp cannot afford to pay her more than the traditional $50!per week that they pay other teens. My daughter could use the boost in confidence, the experience and the Jewish atmosphere that she is otherwise lacking. The camp director said he would keep my sponsorship a secret. Thanks!

We are Reformed Jews and we drive on Sabbath. We just bought a new house in the orthodox part of town to be near our children and grandchildren, who are orthodox. We moved near them because we want them to be able to walk to us on Sabbath. Our new orthodox neighbors have been nothing but trouble. It didn’t take long to find out that the orthodox people previously used the yard of this house as a shortcut between neighborhoods to shave walking time off their routes by foot during Sabbath. Apparently the people who lived here before were very amenable to that and left their gates open. That was them, but that’s not who we are. We are private people who are not comfortable letting lots of strangers walk through our yard. We lived before in a quiet suburb where no one did that. Neighbors respected one another’s boundaries. That’s what we’re used to. And we have an aggressive dog. Lots of orthodox people have been approaching us, angry that we won’t let them through. Someone said to us they will take us to a “base bin,” whatever that is, if we don’t open our yard. I never heard of any such thing, but they sound so threatening. A reporter for a small Jewish community online newspaper is planning on writing a story portraying us in a negative light for this. As an orthodox rabbi, what do you think? How is it that our orthodox neighbors can bother us like this? How can they force us to live a certain way just because we are their neighbors? Don’t we have our rights? We bought our house to be our private sanctuary, not a public pathway we pay for and maintain for the sake of others.