I am an actor in plays at a local theater. That’s how I make a living, and I don’t earn very much. Part of my job is I have to memorize my scripts and recite them on stage. I’ve been doing it for many years now. In an upcoming play, my script includes the word “Hallelu-jah.” It is said not in a religious sense, but just as an expression. I discussed this with my boss, who says if I can’t do it, my role will be given to someone else. I would lose $10,000 in potential income, which is huge for me. What should I do?

Dear Rabbi, What is the Jewish view of laziness? Does God abhor laziness? To be honest, I am a very lazy person myself. I know I should do more Jewish things but I guess I’m just too lazy. I know many other religions consider laziness a serious sin and, in their view, I would be a terrible sinner. Thank you, Rabbi, as always, for your guidance.

May a person with a tattoo be buried in a Jewish cemetery?

Hello, my grandmothers third Yartzeit was on Lamed Sivan, last week Monday. On that Thursday night, i had a dream in which i was walking into my living room, I see her sitting on the couch smiling and i got to hug her before the dream ended. The powerful thing for me is that in my dream, the hug felt very physical and i remember both the physical and emotional feelings i had in that moment. I wish i could remember what she said if she said anything, but she most likely said something like ‘I love you’ And ‘I’m ok’. I also know she was definitely not wearing dark clothing, I believe it was bright and colorful. But during that dream and when i woke up, i felt a feeling of comfort having been shown that she is ok and that she has made the effort to come to me. I’d like to add that I’ve been having a tougher time this month with my grief, because of some accomplishments and celebrations held that she wasn’t there for. I guess i want to know the extent of the significance these types of dreams hold and if i can take it to mean something, especially since it was the same week as her yartzeit and i haven’t dreamt about her (at least not that i can remember and definitely not with physical feelings attached) since the year of her passing. I’ve also heard stories from my parents about their own dreams with their deceased loved ones and similar things. I know that the Torah talks about dream interpreting and stuff, but i also don’t think every dream has a significance, but i want to know how to tell the difference. Thank you so much.