Hi I had a dream that my teeth fell out. I once learned that it is not a good sign and I am unsure what to do. Can you please guide me?

I know that the hour of the day you were born has significance to your mazel and type of person you are. I am having a hard time calculating what hour I was born. I was born in the summer. End of tammuz at 5:10 pm. Which hour is that?

If you relieve yourself far from a fresh water source (such as in a port-a-pot), and cannot wash your hands for a while, do you recite Asher Yatzar immediately after, even though you did not wash your hands? Or do you wait until you find a water source? And if you reach a water source a substantial amount of time later, do you recite Asher Yatzar then, or do you skip it altogether?

Hi If Daniel 2 and the statue (Babylonia, Persia, Greece, Rome, Byzant) and the rock that is hewn from the mountain and conquers the world does not mean Christianitys spreading through the world - then what does it mean? Best Wishes Samppa Oranen