I'm really struggling with binge and restricting eating disorder so fasting is very triggering for me, plus I'm really struggling overall emotionally, I'm enough sad Do I have to fast on Tisha b'ov

My little girl is very ill, I want to know if she will be alone after she is gone

Hi. I heard from several friends that if a woman gets a no chip gel manicure she does not have to take off the nail polish for going to the mikvah because it's considered attached to the nail. Is this correct? I've never heard of this before until recently.

Are Jews permitted to take honeymoons? My fiancé and I are marrying soon after Tisha B’Av. When my parents were married more than 30 years ago, they were told by their rabbi at the time they were not allowed to honeymoon unless they went to Israel, which they did two months after their wedding. My oldest brother was conceived in Israel during that trip. Now I am getting married in just a little over a week and my fiancé and I wish we could take a romantic honeymoon after Sheva Brachas are completed. We have both been to Israel in the past few years and wish we could go somewhere else.