Dear Rabbi, I’m at an early stage of considering becoming observant in Jewish lifestyle and practices, but something is on my mind that I think holds me back. If I go ahead and follow Jewish Orthodoxy, will I be looked down upon as a “second class citizen” by others who were born observant? Maybe this shouldn’t bother me, but it does. Thank you

How soon should one have their mezuzahs up following moving into a new home? We just moved into a new apartment two weeks ago, and our shipment of mezuzahs that we ordered online was delayed for a reason we cannot seem to ascertain. We ordered them online from a supplier who says they haven’t yet received the ones they are supposed to ship to us. It sounds like a worker shortage could be at play and it might take several more weeks. There is no local place here to buy them either and mail order is really the only option. We are embarrassed because we will be having some company the next two Shabbosim and we have no mezuzahs on our doors.

I am not Jewish, but I have close Orthodox Jewish friends. I always thought Orthodox Jews are not supposed to engage in public displays of affection. At least that’s what my close Orthodox friend says. Yet I see it all the time. I see public displays of affection among all ages of Orthodox, ranging from longtime married couples to young people who are just dating each other and are uncertain if they will marry. How is that possible? My religion opposes public displays of affection and adherents take it quite seriously.