Hi. I heard from several friends that if a woman gets a no chip gel manicure she does not have to take off the nail polish for going to the mikvah because it's considered attached to the nail. Is this correct? I've never heard of this before until recently.

Are Jews permitted to take honeymoons? My fiancé and I are marrying soon after Tisha B’Av. When my parents were married more than 30 years ago, they were told by their rabbi at the time they were not allowed to honeymoon unless they went to Israel, which they did two months after their wedding. My oldest brother was conceived in Israel during that trip. Now I am getting married in just a little over a week and my fiancé and I wish we could take a romantic honeymoon after Sheva Brachas are completed. We have both been to Israel in the past few years and wish we could go somewhere else.

Hello Rabbi, I have a question regarding Ashkenazi tradition. I know that we don't typically name children after living relatives. However, I'm wondering about the practice of using the maiden name of a relative/friend/person I love and admire as a way to honor her. Since the person no longer carries the maiden name after getting married, could using it be considered against Jewish tradition? Or would that be considered as a meaningful and respectful gesture? Could you please provide some guidance? Thank you for your time and advice. Marina.

I am scheduled to be the Bal Koreh at my shul this coming Shabbos. I need to rehearse the reading some time this week. But I am busy with work all week and have little free time. The one exception is I am off the entire day on Thursday for Tisha B’Av. I know one is not supposed to study Torah on Tisha B’Av. But in this case it is a necessity. Making time on other days is not an option. The congregational rabbi is away now and is unreachable at the moment and he has entrusted me with this task. Can one study Torah reading on Tisha B’Av in order to be able to read properly at a later date?