When I study Jewish history, I found out that most of the years have passed Jewish nation in the state of exile. It's very unique to Jews, and no other nation has experienced such a lengthy galut. Exile causes great pain. Why has HaShem put Jews into the such a long exile. What's the purpose of exile. What benefit is there to go through such a painful galut?

Dear Rabbi, Are there any teachings about “superheroes” in the Torah or in Jewish literature? Thank you

Hi Rabbi, What’s the basis for our claim as Jews that Israel is the land promised by God to the Jewish People? Thanks

Dear Rabbi I wanted to know if women should wash mayim achronim before bentching? If women are excempt can youl Please explain the reason so I can better understand it. If there's no reason why a women shouldn't do it I would love to beautify my mitzvah with this! -bli neder. I usually only wash my hands like netails yadaim bli bracha before bentching because of crumbs or oils my hand might have gathered while eating but I was curious if I should wash more mayim achronim like my bentcher indicates. I have no family minhag as I am a giyores. Also curious regarding not leaving any utensils in the table after eating (I know the reason is more than hygiene) is there's any special reason why people are so careful about this ? I am the mother of a sweet toddler who one day will ask me this question trying to learn more so I am equipped for when that happens Iy"H I learned all this back in seminary but it's been awhile I can't remember. Thank you in advance!   Thank you in advance! ☺️

Is a man allowed to be yotze on a woman’s bracha? I just formed a carpool to work, with a Jewish woman and a gentile. When I am a passenger, it is easy for me to say Tefilas Haderech, and the Jewish woman always says amen to me. But I can’t read when I’m driving. Can the Jewish woman in my carpool say Tefilas Haderech, and then I say amen and be yotze?