I dont spend quality tireza with my hasband, even when i do its not quality.

If you miss davening Shacharit and you have to make it up at Mincha, do you just recite Amidah twice, or do you also include other prayers that are normally part of Shacharit. And if you do, where and in what order do you include them?

Hello, I am a noahide from korea. I'm not trying to bash Judaism, I'm trying to understand it. How am I supposed to understand this? I've understood from several rabbinical youtubes that gentiles are not meant to be inferior. Is this why gentiles are forbidden to learn Talmud? I've been a Noahide since I left Christianity and I'm shocked to see this, but truth can be painful and I'm willing to accept this if it's true. Is this idea approved as truth within Judaism? The difference between the Jewish soul, its self, its inner desires, its overflow, its character, its standing, and that of all the nations, at all their levels, is greater and deeper than the difference between the human soul and the soul of an animal. Between the latter, there is merely a quantitative distinction; between the former, an essential qualitative distinction pertains. -Orot (Jerusalem, 2005), 156, no. 10. See also his introduction to this statement in the preceding paragraphs, as well as his comments to the preface of Pirkei Avot, “All Jews have a portion in the World to Come,” in Olat Ha-Ra’ayah (Jerusalem,1996), pp. 156-157 “The Alter Rebbe in Tanya (Tanya), chapters. 1–2) explains that a Jew has two souls – a G-dly soul, which partakes in some fashion in the actual substance of God Himself, and an animalistic soul, which descends from klipat noga, the evil that contains within it an admixture of divine light. Therefore, he explains, any good character trait found in a Jew reflects the essential goodness found in his soul. The soul of a gentile, however, according to the Tanya, is purely animalistic and not Godly. It descends from the evil forces that have no potential for goodness in them whatsoever. Therefore, any good deeds performed by gentiles are done for ulterior motives and cannot possibly reflect essential goodness. According to this philosophy, a gentile is not merely a lower form of life, but is essentially and irredeemably evil; his substance derives from the sitra achra, the evil forces that threaten all goodness and purity in the world (from Rav Assaf Bednarsh, After much consideration, it seems that the majority of rabbis agree with this opinion, but I'm wondering if I've understood it correctly. I want to know the truth and even if this is true, am ready to accept it. Thank you very much.

If there is a bris at a later minyan in our shul does the earlier minyan say tachnun?