Hello I was reading about orlah fruit which are considered un-kosher if the fruit is beared within the first three years of the fruits life. Citrus fruit such as oranges can bear fruit within the first 1-2 years of the trees life. So if I bought a orange from the grocery store (U.S),would it be considered treif?

Dear Rabbi, In the eyes of G-d, am I more of a good or a bad person? Will G-d give me more of a reward or a punishment? I will tell you about who I am. To start, here’s the good I have done. I have worked as a firefighter for over 20 years and saved lots of lives. I have performed lots of random acts of kindness. I give lots of money to charitable causes. And I volunteer my time to help underprivileged children. I also teach about fire safety. And I donate blood every two months. Now here’s some of the bad I have done. I abandoned the practice Orthodox Judaism where I was brought up and where I had a lot of unpleasant experiences. Since then, I have routinely badmouthed the Jewish religion, the community of my upbringing, the yeshiva I went to, lots of rabbis, and the Torah. I am married to a Christian woman and have two sons. I don’t consider myself Christian, but I occasionally accompany her to church events and I celebrate Christian holidays in addition to Hanukkah. According to Jewish belief, what am I considered in the eyes of G-d? How does G-d judge me?

I have a neighbor several doors down who is disposing of his home exercise equipment into the trash. He has hired a professional trash collecting service to remove it from in front of his house later this week. I told him I am interested in having it if he doesn’t want it. I even offered to pay him for it. But he won’t allow that to happen. He says it is his wish that it go to the trash and no one else have it. The reason why he wants it in the trash is because he was injured on it, and he doesn’t want it to injure anyone else. I am willing to accept upon myself any responsibility of the risk of injury. I know the hazards of home exercise equipment, and I know how to prevent them. At the present time, it is sitting on a piece of land in front of his house that is considered the public domain. From a legal standpoint, it is now considered abandoned property and the secular law permits me to take it and it would not be considered theft. What does Jewish law say about this matter? Would taking what he has given up to the trash against his wishes be considered theft?

Dear Rabbi, Am I a bad Jew if I eat bacon, don't go to temple very often, actually only on the major holidays? I do celebrate Passover. Religion just isn't a very big part of my American Jewish life. Let me know, thanks!!