I know that one is forbidden to waste food. What are we supposed to do with food we have that no one in our household is interested in, no acquaintances are interested in, and no food banks will take?

Dear Rabbi, I am on an airplane now as I write this. I just got up to use the facilities. When I returned, my elderly mother had fallen asleep in the aisle seat with her head on my seat. It is a full flight with nowhere else to sit. I felt I had no choice but to wake her up. She was startled but not angry. Since she did not grant me permission in advance to wake her up, did I do the right thing? Much appreciation!

Is it true that in ancient Israel a groom was able to use a representative (for example a friend or a brother) in a wedding ceremony, if he himself was unable to attend it due to a journey or something like that?

There seem to be many sources in the Torah that heavily imply that our imahot covered their faces as well as their hair (the Me'am Loez says it about Dina, Rashi quotes Chazal about Tamar, Avraham didn't know how beautiful Sara was, Rivka covered her face when she saw Yitzchak). Did our Imahot cover their faces? If so, why dont we? and if they didnt, why does there seem to be so much evidence that they did?