I know we can make an early Shabbat. This year Rosh Hashana falls on Friday night. Can we make an early Rosh Hashana?

My doctor told me that if I get up at night to go to the bathroom, I should use a flashlight to see my way there. This is for my own safety. What do I do about this on Shabbat? I can’t leave the light on all night because then I’ll never fall asleep.

If a father tells his son specifically not to say Slichot, what should be done and how - if the answer is to daven anyway, what are ways to lie in regards to telling parent(s) about praying if asked?

Shalom, Rabbi. I have a question for you. Rabbis said that Gehazi was too wicked to go to Olam Haba. But all of his sins were that he lied to Elisha. We all sometimes lie to others. No one is perfectly honest. Gehazi also lied to Elisha the prophet, but was it so evil? If one has no portion in Olam Haba merely because he or she lies, no one can have eternal life. Why does Gehazi have no portion in Olam Haba? What makes his sin so evil?