Is Torah separate from God or is Torah actually God? I heard someone say that the Tanya writes that the Torah is a manifestation of God's will and therefore is God. But that seems a little confusing to me. I thought the Torah is just a channel to reach God and spirituality. But then again there is a chazal that says "Oraysa ve'Kudsha Brich Hu chad Hu." What does that mean?

Shalom, Please help my lack of understanding a few of the following things: Jacob went to Shechem instead of Bethel where G-d told him to go, and he set up living there with his family. He then made an altar and named it EleloheIsrael, meaning G-d of Israel. Question: is Jacob saying or acknowledging that G-d is his G-d? And did G-d allow the horrible act upon his daughter Dinah to happen to cause Jacob to stop idolatry and to go back to Bethel where he should have been in the first place?   Thank you for any enlightenment or depth you may give me.