Dear Rabbi, How can we pray for changing someones heart? Which prayers we should read? And how to pray for the impossible? Thank you.

Dear Rabbi, I’m considering becoming observant in Jewish lifestyle and practices, but something is on my mind. If I go ahead and follow Jewish Orthodoxy, will I be looked down upon as a “second class citizen” by others who were born observant? Thanks.

Do the bad people can cause good things in good peoples lives without intentioning it? If a bad person (bad in every aspect and a non-jew) can cause growing and healing in our lives, even they cause us to be good jews and motivates us (without intention) should we forget about them and turn to our depression? Or this is just our lust and illiusion?

What is the Rambam referring to when he elaborates on Nevuah, and talks about that G-d imparts knowledge (mada) into the hearts of men? Is he referring to Ruach HaKodesh? Or, is he just giving some sort of definition for Nevuah that pertains to this halacha? If he is just defining Nevuah, why does he feel the need to do so here? If he is talking about Ruach HaKodesh, what might be the parameters of that? For example, if someone accepts Rashi of the Godel Hador of his time and accepts that he was a holy person, and gives appropriate weight to his commentaries and piskie halacha, but does not believe that he wrote his commentaries on Chumash with Ruach haKodesh or if someone similarly does not believe that the targum of Onkelos or Yonathan ben Uziel were written with Ruach Ha Kodesh, is that on par with not believing in Nevuah? Similarly, (in addition to accepting their piskei halacha as halacha) would one need to assume that even the leaders of our generation are guided by ruach a Hakodesh?