My wife has been in menopause for almost ten years and not needed to use the mikvah. But a recent medical examination she underwent caused her some vaginal bleeding that lasted for almost two days. She was so concerned that she called the doctor, who told her medically there is nothing to worry about. Is she considered to be in a state of niddah? Will she have to use the mikvah?

Hello - My sister's wedding is in a week and she would like me to lead a prayer for peace (in regards to Israel and the world) during the ceremony. Would Oseh Shalom be appropriate for this? Thank you!

Question 1: When reading Shnayim Mikra, what is the correct way to pronounce Hashem’s name spelled with two Yuds? This question is especially applicable when the Possuk uses Shaim Elokim and Onkelos still writes it as two Yuds. For example, in the first Posuk of Bereishis the Targum writes it with two Yuds, even though it’s Elokim (though interestingly when both names of Hashem appear one after the other – like in the beginning of the second Aliya of Bereishis – he does write Elokim). Question 2: When you say Lishaym Yichud or the tefillah after counting sefira do you pronounce it Yud - Key - Bvav - Kay or do you do it that way but hey instead key

Dear Rabbi, I was raised Shomer Negiah. I learned and practiced growing up that one is only permitted to touch their spouse and immediate family members of the opposite sex. I got married over the summer, and for the first time ever, I spent a holiday out of town with my in-laws. I had a really good time with them. But they made that impossible to follow. My mother-in-law, who dresses very modestly (albeit with short sleeves) and wears a sheitl, demands frequent hugs from me and she touches me in many different ways as if I’m her son. She is a very touchy hands-on person who constantly puts her hands on people, male and female alike, as she talks to them. It’s just the warmth she shows in her personality. I could sense she might get offended had I resisted, and to avoid an argument that would ruin our holiday visit or my relationship with her for years to come, I had to cave to her wishes. All the female members of my wife’s family, as well as some of their friends, all hugged me or shook my hand, and my wife did the same with male relatives and friends in my in-laws community. To them, it is all a normal behavior, just the thing they do. I was too afraid to offend anyone when they don’t know me well and I am trying to make a good impression. I did talk privately to my father-in-law about my concerns. He says their rabbi permits all this touching. I met that rabbi when I went to shul and I noticed he shakes a lot of women’s hands and even hugs some women who are close friends of his. He is very warm and friendly and beloved in the community. There is a side of me that is feeling guilty, that I should have stood up and made it clear to everyone that I strictly observe negiah laws. But I don’t know how to be very assertive and I felt too timid and I didn’t want them to think I’m crazy. I talked to my wife about it after we got home and she feels I should touch those who want it and not worry.