To make it easier for me to sleep, when I wake up during the night and feel the need to use the bathroom, which happens several times a night, I don’t get out of bed, and I urinate in a bottle I keep by my bedside. But I don’t have access to any way to wash my hands and there is no practical way to have handwashing water by my bedside. Do I still recite Asher Yatzar if I don’t wash my hands?

Please help me to understand this. If a woman's cycle is ongoing (doesn’t stop) keeps flowing for months or years, how does she regain purity? How can she ever take a mikveh? In ancient times, would a sacrificial offering be required even if the bleeding never stops? Thank you for your help in this matter.

I was told that a woman on her cycle is called in a niddah state. And that means she is spiritually separated. Is this correct? And if so, how does she regain being pure again?