Shalom. I’m looking for the answers and the truth. As a child I made a covenant with Almighty. My grandpa also gave me title of a prince with right to the throne before he died. I might have Jewish blood. I have very important mission in the world, yet people mostly ignored and abandoned me. Almighty promised me my life will change and people will start believing me before I reach age of 33 which is November this year. I want to speak to a Rabbi and get some answers. I wasn’t raised in Jewish religion, but in Christianity. Yet I’ve found it false. The only proof of my words is my grandpa’s seal I’m attaching to this message. I hope to reach out to someone soon. I’m trying various websites and also visited synagogue on Friday. I need to know certain things before I can proceed and prosper in life.

If I am late to minyan and therefore not davening at the same pace as them, and I recite Shema after they do, should I recite אל מלך נאמן?

I was taught many years ago in yeshiva that precut wooden sticks sold in hardware stores are not kosher as schach because they are cut to shape and are not in their natural form. I use bamboo mats for my own succah. This year, I spent the first two days of Yom Tov out of town and stayed with a rabbi. I found he had built his succah using these long wooden sticks as his schach. I brought this up with him. He told me that many rabbis do consider wooden sticks unkosher, but he poskins that they are permitted. While I stayed with him for these two days, I had no access to any other succah. I am on my way home now. But for future reference, what should I do if I find myself in this position? Should I follow what I learned in yeshiva or the rabbi of the small community I am visiting? Should I refrain from reciting leshev b’succah in what according to what I learned is an unkosher succah? Should I refrain from eating all foods that require being eaten in a succah during my stay?