Dear Rabbi, We find that several acronyms are quoted from verses in reference to the month of Elul. For example, the first letters of the words "Ani L'dodi V'dodi Li – I am my Beloved's and my Beloved is mine" (Song of Songs 6:3) – spell "Elul" and are seen as a reference to the God's closeness to us during the month of Elul. But isn't "Elul" a Babylonian word? Is it authentic that verses in the Torah would be alluding to words that aren't Hebrew? Thank you

Dear Rabbi, Please tell me about the current Jewish month, Elul. I have heard that there is something special about it. Thanks

I’m a teenage girl who has been thinking about converting to Judaism for years, but I don’t know where to start. My family is Christian (kind of), and I’m not sure how they’d react, so I don’t think I can convert until I’m out of the house in a few years, as well as I can't contact local synagogues or rabbis since I live in a relatively small town and my parents would find out. What should I do? I’ve been trying to learn Hebrew and have been reading articles and watching videos, but I’d love some ideas on what steps I can take now or any resources you'd recommend. I can't have any physical books lying around the house or anything like that. I just feel very lost right now and I'm not sure what to do. Lately I've felt like my life has lacked something, and when studying Judaism it feels like it fills that part of my life that I'm missing, but I will likely have to wait years before making any major changes in my life. I just need something that I can do with my time now so I'm ready when I'm able to. Thank you!

Hello, can you please answer the following question? I was ordered to come to a court both on Rosh Hashanah and the first day of Sukkot. I informed the court about my Jewish religious observance but they declined my request to reschedule. Would it be permissible for me to come to the court on those days? Thank you very much.